Friday, March 29, 2013

5 Photo Essay

Installing a lowering kit on a Prelude
Installing an exhaust kit with my brother on his Civic

Performing a tune-up and replacing seals
 I have always wanted to learn everything I can about all types of vehicles and how they work. I finally became a mechanic when I joined the Army. I never thought I could enjoy something so much! You get dirty, covered in oil, smash your hand on hard metal, nearly brake yourself getting into awkward positions to reach a certain part for the job, I have been electrocuted, accidentally swallowed almost all different weights of oil, unleaded fuel, diesel fuel, coolant, and I love every second of it. I will always enjoy LOVE being a mechanic!

I love to draw, I've been doing it for years. Sadly I don't draw as often as I used to. It's a great release and always fun to be creative!
By Josh Hills
By Josh Hills
Me in Iraq with my baby.. my 240B
 There are no words to describe how proud I am to have served our country. I enjoyed the Army so much! Like a lot of other soldiers when you go to Iraq or some other combat zone, you start out quite fearful of what could happen. The suspense of not knowing. Then once you get over the constant gun fire and mortars dropping all the time and you get used to constant feeling being in danger that it's a normal feeling, you don't want to leave. If the U.S. went into another war (like oh say.. north korea) I would rejoin and gladly deploy and fight the fight!

Photo taken by: Josh Hills at SF beach
I Love photography, though I've never had a good camera or had any training or schooling, I just have an eye for great pictures. And if you haven't noticed by now I LOVE THE BEACH!! and my favorite kind of picture is of a sunset on water or just something like that, it's always so full of color.

Moments Like This

Photo taken by: Joshua Hills 2011
San Francisco beach
Moments like this are truly a delight,
it makes me wish I was capable of flight,
to soar over the shore so that I may see more,
to leave the world behind, just go out and explore,
the feeling of this scene puts me at ease,
the burning beauty of the sun bursting through the trees,
the light kiss on your cheek of the warm salty breeze,
as the tide punches the beach,
it sounds like a drum or a heart as it beats,
is this Gods way of rewarding us with a visual treat?