Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The World As I See It; Some Helpful Tips About Life.

          Well one thing is for certain, there's something you can always count on for the rest your life. Life goes by Fast. Okay when you're sitting in class it may seem like an eternity (lol).  think of life like a Nascar race for a moment and all those cars are moments in time. Here they come, VOOM VOOM VOOM VOOM. There they go. The only difference being the Nascars come back around the track of course. Those good moments like the ones your spending truly happy, with a loved one, spending time with your children, with your parents, your brother or sister, etc. Those go by so quickly and you'll never get them back, you can remember them, but those moments are gone. Loved ones can also die very suddenly. (Morbid but true) Whether it be old age or a car accident, you never know when it can happen. So don't end conversations or visits on a bad note, try to work it out with them. You don't know what will happen when they walk out that door. Likewise, you don't know when you'll die and leave them forever. 

          Never say "no" to an opportunity. To learn, to travel, to do something new, try a new food, etc. Because you never know what you'll see, what you'll experience, what wisdom you'll pick up on the way, who you will meet. It gives your life a chance to veer off the normal path, get some experience and enjoy your life more.

          With the darker side thoroughly explained. Push death to the side, it's also so that you are always in each others good graces. In doing that you will be happier, because your family and even friends are your support group. They will be there for you when you need them the most and they will love you unconditionally, everybody needs that in their life. Love is like the sun to a plant, warm and life giving. With out it, we could shrivel up and die feeling lonely. Always respect each other, and forgive each other.

          We are all equal, whether you like it or not, there are different people out there that do things differently. That makes them neither superior or inferior to you. Never judge someone and decide to avoid them base on any judgments. The good thing about differences is that we can learn from each other and gain more knowledge and wisdom just by talking and listening to each other. 

          When your listening to someone, really listen. If you don't already know, people know when your not listening. Being able to sum up what they just said doesn't mean you were ACTUALLY listening and processing what they said, nor does it prove that you were actually  listening to them. Listening to someone while they talk, whether you want to or not, is one of the ultimate signs of respect. And if you don't listen or even look like you're listening, that will lead them to stop telling you things over time. Ya, they still talk to you, but they don't share their feelings, or thoughts, or funny stories and jokes. Plus they take you for a sarcastic and inconsiderate person. Ultimately, anything you do can make a final impression in someones mind, in good and bad ways. They may not tell you at first, and if it happens often enough, you could make things worse. 

           You see, life isn't about what you have. It's about how you have lived your life. Succeeding in life can be about your accomplishments, but I think there's something even bigger. The relationships that you have with the people in your life. You may have all these nice material objects in your life, but if the people in your life don't want to remember you then when you die, there isn't much of you left behind. A few scattered memories that will fade. Be the person they can't live without. The good things you do in life will be remembered and you live on through those memories. 

"Life without a friend is like death without a witness."
                                                  -Spanish Proverb

There is
Good in the world

Recipe for success
1. Get an education.
2. Find love, Real love.
3. Have at least 3 children (of those, at least one girl).
4. Raise my children to be decent human beings and to never let anyone change them.
5. Work hard to retire early or on time so I can enjoy the rest of my life with my family.
6. Always respect the people in my life and, by doing that, gain the respect of others.
7. Be remembered as a good man by the people in my life in a very positive way so I live on in their memories.

My Bucket List
1. Complete college and most likely go back again throughout my life.
2. Have at least 3 children, of that, at least one girl.
3. Go skydiving enough to be allowed to jump without an instructor, base jumping, rock climbing as often as possible, wing suit flying, get my pilots licence.
4. Own property and have all kinds of animals; horses, cows, chickens, dogs, reptiles.
5. Own a boat.
6. Visit outer space at least once. (I'm sure in the future it would be a tourist attraction)
7. Start one or more businesses.
8. Learn to play the guitar. Get a piano, alto saxophone and start playing them again.
9. Write a book.
10. Always read books, as many as I can.
11. Always stay in shape, eat healthy and of course body build.
12. Travel as often and as many times as I can.
13. Try as many different foods as i can (I love trying new foods)

The list could go on. There are so many things I want to do and try I'd have to sum up a bucket list with; Never say no to an opportunity, ever.

What I have done on my bucket list
Haha, I love this one!
1. Join the Army
2. Deploy to war zone/ Be one of the many men who has defended our country
3. Go to Ireland at least once.
4. Learn to hand catch rattlesnakes.
5. Get into college
6. Move to California and explore from north to south. (has been and is still in progress)
7. Rock climb without cables or gear.

Like my bucket list, there are a lot of other accomplishments I could put here and many more to come.

I have used this quote in this class before but it's still one of my favorites, because it's clever and has a very good message with a comical twist.

"The Greatest oak was once a little Nut who held his ground."
"A wise old owl sat on an oak; the more he heard the less he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard; why aren't we like this wise old bird?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesdays With Morrie. Five stars!!

All the books that we got this semester are books I plan to keep and read again, but if there is one I would pick to read again first and many times after is, Tuesdays With Morrie. Mitch Albom did a great job of keeping it first person but to where the story was more about Morrie than himself. I think Morrie would be very proud of this book because it's completely focused on his message to the world. 

I think his message was clearly focused on LOVE first and most importantly, connection with loved ones and others around you and to keep from getting so wrapped up in the supposed "symbols of success" society has  pushed on us and just live your life as happily and fully as possible. I find love to be the most important idea because it's brought up so many times throughout the book and it truly is the one thing people can't go long without. You could have money, power, fame and fancy material objects likes cars, boats etc., but without love and someone to share that with, then those things don't mean much at all.

"Love wins, love always wins." - Morrie Schwartz (40)

The message also focuses on just slowing down and absorbing the world around you. Listen to people , find out more about the deeper level of people, their interests, fears, faith, what makes them happy, etc. See things on a different level and see things for what they really are, not just what they symbolize. Connect to the world and people in your life. I like to think this way too, but after getting into college I got so wrapped up in balancing school, work and my social life, I began to lose touch with that. Hopefully reading this book a few more times with help solidify this way of thinking in my mind for good. It's this kind of thinking that can open your mind to so many things, yourself to so many opportunities, and wisdom. With that, you can develop and maintain, purpose and meaning in your life.

"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when their busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." -Morrie Schwartz

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Mortar Attack, The Stabbing and The Bionic Man.

After reading Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom, I started thinking about what or how I could relate. I obviously don't have an old man currently dying to talk to, but I do however, know a few people with near death experiences including myself. It's these near death experiences that teach us more about life, than living itself. It shows you how quickly everything can be taken away, how easily things can be ended. Your whole life halted. It also shows you how much you have to live for. It makes you think about all the people that would be crushed and heartbroken had you died.

When I was deployed to Iraq, our FOB (forward operating base) was constantly hit by mortar rounds. A device that fires an artillery round using a portable mortar tube from a distant location. The bomb is dropped down this tube, hits a fixed firing pin and is fired a great distance. Try to put yourself in the soldier's shoes, you don't know when a mortar attack will happen and when it does you are helpless in knowing where it will land. Even if it lands close to you, you still risk indirect shrapnel injury. My friend, a medic on my gun-truck, and I were sitting in the "over-flow" tents playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. He had a few speakers, so the sound of war filled the make-shift room. We thought we heard a distant explosion, but put it off thinking it was the game. Another one, this time a little louder. We pause the game. A third one, BOOM! It shook the walls, we felt the pressure in the air, the shock wave. We both dropped to the floor, as if praying for our lives. A strange wizzing noise went passed, a few of them (probably shrapnel.) After we heard "All clear, all clear, all clear" we walked out of the tent and found a shallow crater less than 100 meters away from where we were sitting. We were almost killed that day, by something so random as a mortar round, indirect fire.

My best friend just recently came to visit from San Diego. Before coming to visit was a thought in his mind, he experienced a life threatening situation, a near death experience. While at a bar, he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette, when he was randomly approached by a group of Mexicans. They were asking about drugs (probably a distraction), when they began to jump him. Luckily for him, he used to work out a lot and has some (informal) self defense training. He was successful in fighting them off and walking away okay. Or so he thought. He noticed some wetness on his shirt and hands. "Blood?" he thought. After arriving at the hospital, he was told that he was stabbed six times. Most of the knife wounds were too shallow or just passed any vital organs, except for one. A fatal wound collapsing his lung, he is lucky to be alive. My friend is a very different person now, he tries to live to the fullest in every moment. He doesn't take anything for granted like before.

In the middle of the background you can see the
robotic legs hanging. The same device my friend is wearing
in this picture.
A man, a father of three, a golden glove boxer, a highly regarded mechanic who could build a car from the ground up, a successful man. One day he is riding his street bike home, another normal day. He is hit by a drunk driver at 55mph. The impact was the equivalent to jumping off a seven story building. Laying in a pool of his own blood, he died in the street, on Santa Rosa Ave. After awaking from a coma, he finds himself paralyzed from the diaphragm down. This athlete, this father of three, this person who relies on his legs for everything (much like we all do), had that luxury taken away from him in his late 20's. Eight years to the present time, he continues to go to the gym, eat healthy foods, and be the best father he can be. Though very limited to what he can do, he still lives his life to the fullest. I had a very interesting experience with him recently, he goes quite often to a bionic equipment testing and physical therapy facility where he is able to walk again. They strap him into a back brace with robotic legs that allows him to stand and walk across the room. This is an attempt to retrain his muscles to work and respond to nerve impulses. He is so devoted, not only to his family and friends, but to one day having the ability to walk again. It's a very humbling experience, being his friend. Being by his side as he works hard to stay healthy and eventually achieve his goal... to one day, walk again.

We all have friends like this with different, but somehow similar, near-death and life changing experiences. It's up to us to take their experiences as a lesson before, God forbid, we end up in a situation where we have lost something so simple and basic as our ability to walk, hear, or see. Always live your life to the fullest. Keep a happy medium between work and play, though there is barely any time to take out of your life, it can be as simple as enjoying time with your children or your parents. A Guys Night Out or doing something you love, as long as you're making yourself happy and marching to the beat of your own drum. You will look back at your life someday and think about what a great life you've lived. No one wants to look back at their life thinking, "What could I have done better?" or " How would I have done things differently?"

"In the end, it's not about what you have,
it's about what you have accomplished."
                            -Josh Hills

Blaze of Lightning, Roar of Thunder

By Helen A. Rosburg

     Rosburg, Helen A. Blaze of Lightning, Roar of Thunder. Medallion Press, 2008
Rosburg has a ranch in Odessa, FL, she rescues animals which include; horses, pigs,chickens, dogs, cats and rabbits. She owns the publishing company Medallion Press.

     Louisa faces a life changing situation and can never go back to the way things used to be. Now she has set out, driven by revenge, to find the man responsible. Louisa accidentally crosses paths with some good men who needs her help as much as she needs theirs. Louisa need to transform from an innocent girl to a hardened killer to avenge her family.

     I love this book and I plan to read it again. Rosburg has a very unique way of capturing you and giving enough detail so you are actually seeing the story play out in your head without smothering you with too many details. "They wanted to find love, but first they had to seek revenge."(Cover) "Blaze of lightning. It is an omen. He will be delivered to hell by you, Blaze of Lightning. And I will bring the thunder." (179) The closest comparison to this book I can think of is the newer movie, True Grit. Both stories involves a young girl hunting for a man who killed their family only to claim vengeance. Both girls go through many obstacles and difficulties only improving themselves and further preparing them for the day they find the man they seek. This is actually the second time I read this book, the first time I read it was in Iraq. This book removed me from the chaos of a war zone, when I read this book I was no longer in Iraq, but in the early southwest riding with Blaze and the gang. I highly recommend this book to anyone whether you like romance or action, this book is mostly filled with action and suspense. FIVE STARS!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Visual analysis of 2 advertisements

 The product is Old Spice body wash. The hook is a "good looking" man shirtless on a horse. This product is targeting men. Old Spice is trying to sell sex with a good looking man, the idea is if you use Old Spice you will become attractive to women and more manly.
The product, again, is Old Spice. Now the advertisement is showing body wash, cologne and deodorant. The hook in this advertisement is that this "nerd" uses Old Spice and brings the inner man out of him. The target audience is men (leaning more towards "nerds"). This advertisement is selling happiness, by using this product you will be manlier and get women and/or bring out your inner badass.

Friday, March 29, 2013

5 Photo Essay

Installing a lowering kit on a Prelude
Installing an exhaust kit with my brother on his Civic

Performing a tune-up and replacing seals
 I have always wanted to learn everything I can about all types of vehicles and how they work. I finally became a mechanic when I joined the Army. I never thought I could enjoy something so much! You get dirty, covered in oil, smash your hand on hard metal, nearly brake yourself getting into awkward positions to reach a certain part for the job, I have been electrocuted, accidentally swallowed almost all different weights of oil, unleaded fuel, diesel fuel, coolant, and I love every second of it. I will always enjoy LOVE being a mechanic!

I love to draw, I've been doing it for years. Sadly I don't draw as often as I used to. It's a great release and always fun to be creative!
By Josh Hills
By Josh Hills
Me in Iraq with my baby.. my 240B
 There are no words to describe how proud I am to have served our country. I enjoyed the Army so much! Like a lot of other soldiers when you go to Iraq or some other combat zone, you start out quite fearful of what could happen. The suspense of not knowing. Then once you get over the constant gun fire and mortars dropping all the time and you get used to constant feeling being in danger that it's a normal feeling, you don't want to leave. If the U.S. went into another war (like oh say.. north korea) I would rejoin and gladly deploy and fight the fight!

Photo taken by: Josh Hills at SF beach
I Love photography, though I've never had a good camera or had any training or schooling, I just have an eye for great pictures. And if you haven't noticed by now I LOVE THE BEACH!! and my favorite kind of picture is of a sunset on water or just something like that, it's always so full of color.

Moments Like This

Photo taken by: Joshua Hills 2011
San Francisco beach
Moments like this are truly a delight,
it makes me wish I was capable of flight,
to soar over the shore so that I may see more,
to leave the world behind, just go out and explore,
the feeling of this scene puts me at ease,
the burning beauty of the sun bursting through the trees,
the light kiss on your cheek of the warm salty breeze,
as the tide punches the beach,
it sounds like a drum or a heart as it beats,
is this Gods way of rewarding us with a visual treat?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About "the Giver"


I gotta say this book is definitely interesting, it has a good plot but what really draws me in and keeps me reading (besides the fact that I have to for class lol) is the weird way they word certain things. Family unit instead of just family, comfort object instead of stuffed animal, a twelve instead of twelve-year-old.

I would get so tired of everything being pre-written, nothing is random. Your job, your wife, your kids, everything is chosen by someone else for you. If you disobey you get "release" from the community? I would have half a mind to just leave (ha ha). 

You don't get to have "stirring" or sexual/romantic feelings for the opposite gender? Now your pushing it. You have one dream about a girl and all of a sudden your on a pill regimen. And it's considered a job without honor to be a "Birth Mother," the one repopulating the community. By the way I noticed they didn't mention the position opposite to "Birth Mother" if you know what I mean.

But I don't think it's all bad. I would be thrilled that my children had direction, goals, something to look forward to in the future. The fact that failing school isn't an option and I know that my children would have some form of work waiting for them when they turn 12. Also pretty cool that they have something to represent each age; a certain jacket with buttons, hair ribbons, a bicycle. I feel like that would keep a kid looking always looking forward.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Is It Really You Or Someone You've Created?

"Wild Card"

"By the artist showing both as he sees his true self and as he wishes to be seen, self-portraits can at once expose and obscure, clarify and distort." "Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism" by Christine Rosen

               Lets step back and take a look at our Myspace or Facebook page, look hard. Can you be honest with yourself and identify whether or not this person you portray is you or a fictional character you've created in hopes of luring in the specific crowd you imagine yourself being a part of? Unfortunately this happens all too often, from manipulating a camera angle to appear more attractive or weigh less, to creating an entirely false character to have a distant yet intimate relationship with a person you wish to have in your life but feel they would reject you had they figured out who you really are or what you look like. A good example is a new show called "Catfish," where the host receives emails about a people who wish to find out who they are really talking to online and eventually gets them together. In some of these stories the person has been in contact with this mysterious person for years sending provocative photos, spending hours on end chatting, and even saying "I love you." They are constantly told that the mystery person's webcam is broken, or they are too busy to meet up. Only to find out its a 300 pound low-life, living out of a basement, addicted to social networking under a false identity.

                However, sometimes it's just a small portion of the profile that is carefully constructed to make the user seem more enticing. You must be careful what is posted as "the truth" because you could lead someone on just to end up hurting them or even making a fool of yourself. Cliche' or not, honesty is the best policy because, quite frankly, if you pose as someone else, you'll attract some people that you enjoy and some not so much. You risk actually taking on these false traits and soon losing who you really are and opening yourself to a lot of confusion. Why not try putting the "real you" on Facebook? It is those weird flaws, quirks and imperfections that make you an individual and who you are. There is nothing wrong with being YOU. Some will love it others hate it but, that's how you accumulate real friends and meaningful, genuine relationship. In the end that's all you ever wanted.. right?

Myself in a few words

Oakley and I at SF beach

1) Tough

2) Dedicated

3) Mature

4) Intelligent

5) Ambitious

6) Confident

7) Fearless

8) Generous

9) Responsible

Wednesday, February 13, 2013