Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The World As I See It; Some Helpful Tips About Life.

          Well one thing is for certain, there's something you can always count on for the rest your life. Life goes by Fast. Okay when you're sitting in class it may seem like an eternity (lol).  think of life like a Nascar race for a moment and all those cars are moments in time. Here they come, VOOM VOOM VOOM VOOM. There they go. The only difference being the Nascars come back around the track of course. Those good moments like the ones your spending truly happy, with a loved one, spending time with your children, with your parents, your brother or sister, etc. Those go by so quickly and you'll never get them back, you can remember them, but those moments are gone. Loved ones can also die very suddenly. (Morbid but true) Whether it be old age or a car accident, you never know when it can happen. So don't end conversations or visits on a bad note, try to work it out with them. You don't know what will happen when they walk out that door. Likewise, you don't know when you'll die and leave them forever. 

          Never say "no" to an opportunity. To learn, to travel, to do something new, try a new food, etc. Because you never know what you'll see, what you'll experience, what wisdom you'll pick up on the way, who you will meet. It gives your life a chance to veer off the normal path, get some experience and enjoy your life more.

          With the darker side thoroughly explained. Push death to the side, it's also so that you are always in each others good graces. In doing that you will be happier, because your family and even friends are your support group. They will be there for you when you need them the most and they will love you unconditionally, everybody needs that in their life. Love is like the sun to a plant, warm and life giving. With out it, we could shrivel up and die feeling lonely. Always respect each other, and forgive each other.

          We are all equal, whether you like it or not, there are different people out there that do things differently. That makes them neither superior or inferior to you. Never judge someone and decide to avoid them base on any judgments. The good thing about differences is that we can learn from each other and gain more knowledge and wisdom just by talking and listening to each other. 

          When your listening to someone, really listen. If you don't already know, people know when your not listening. Being able to sum up what they just said doesn't mean you were ACTUALLY listening and processing what they said, nor does it prove that you were actually  listening to them. Listening to someone while they talk, whether you want to or not, is one of the ultimate signs of respect. And if you don't listen or even look like you're listening, that will lead them to stop telling you things over time. Ya, they still talk to you, but they don't share their feelings, or thoughts, or funny stories and jokes. Plus they take you for a sarcastic and inconsiderate person. Ultimately, anything you do can make a final impression in someones mind, in good and bad ways. They may not tell you at first, and if it happens often enough, you could make things worse. 

           You see, life isn't about what you have. It's about how you have lived your life. Succeeding in life can be about your accomplishments, but I think there's something even bigger. The relationships that you have with the people in your life. You may have all these nice material objects in your life, but if the people in your life don't want to remember you then when you die, there isn't much of you left behind. A few scattered memories that will fade. Be the person they can't live without. The good things you do in life will be remembered and you live on through those memories. 

"Life without a friend is like death without a witness."
                                                  -Spanish Proverb

There is
Good in the world

Recipe for success
1. Get an education.
2. Find love, Real love.
3. Have at least 3 children (of those, at least one girl).
4. Raise my children to be decent human beings and to never let anyone change them.
5. Work hard to retire early or on time so I can enjoy the rest of my life with my family.
6. Always respect the people in my life and, by doing that, gain the respect of others.
7. Be remembered as a good man by the people in my life in a very positive way so I live on in their memories.

My Bucket List
1. Complete college and most likely go back again throughout my life.
2. Have at least 3 children, of that, at least one girl.
3. Go skydiving enough to be allowed to jump without an instructor, base jumping, rock climbing as often as possible, wing suit flying, get my pilots licence.
4. Own property and have all kinds of animals; horses, cows, chickens, dogs, reptiles.
5. Own a boat.
6. Visit outer space at least once. (I'm sure in the future it would be a tourist attraction)
7. Start one or more businesses.
8. Learn to play the guitar. Get a piano, alto saxophone and start playing them again.
9. Write a book.
10. Always read books, as many as I can.
11. Always stay in shape, eat healthy and of course body build.
12. Travel as often and as many times as I can.
13. Try as many different foods as i can (I love trying new foods)

The list could go on. There are so many things I want to do and try I'd have to sum up a bucket list with; Never say no to an opportunity, ever.

What I have done on my bucket list
Haha, I love this one!
1. Join the Army
2. Deploy to war zone/ Be one of the many men who has defended our country
3. Go to Ireland at least once.
4. Learn to hand catch rattlesnakes.
5. Get into college
6. Move to California and explore from north to south. (has been and is still in progress)
7. Rock climb without cables or gear.

Like my bucket list, there are a lot of other accomplishments I could put here and many more to come.

I have used this quote in this class before but it's still one of my favorites, because it's clever and has a very good message with a comical twist.

"The Greatest oak was once a little Nut who held his ground."
"A wise old owl sat on an oak; the more he heard the less he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard; why aren't we like this wise old bird?

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. You combined all of the options here into one very powerful post and shared a lot of lessons with us all. I like the combination of words, quotes and photos that come together as part of the message. #10 on your bucket list is awesome!!

    Inspirational. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with the readers, and with all of us throughout the semester, Josh. It has been great having you as part of the classroom community. Hearing your perspective and observations added a lot to our discussions./lm
