Monday, April 1, 2013

Visual analysis of 2 advertisements

 The product is Old Spice body wash. The hook is a "good looking" man shirtless on a horse. This product is targeting men. Old Spice is trying to sell sex with a good looking man, the idea is if you use Old Spice you will become attractive to women and more manly.
The product, again, is Old Spice. Now the advertisement is showing body wash, cologne and deodorant. The hook in this advertisement is that this "nerd" uses Old Spice and brings the inner man out of him. The target audience is men (leaning more towards "nerds"). This advertisement is selling happiness, by using this product you will be manlier and get women and/or bring out your inner badass.

1 comment:

  1. Josh I think your advertisement choices are really cool. Your paragraphs for each of them are thoughtfully put together as well.
