Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blaze of Lightning, Roar of Thunder

By Helen A. Rosburg

     Rosburg, Helen A. Blaze of Lightning, Roar of Thunder. Medallion Press, 2008
Rosburg has a ranch in Odessa, FL, she rescues animals which include; horses, pigs,chickens, dogs, cats and rabbits. She owns the publishing company Medallion Press.

     Louisa faces a life changing situation and can never go back to the way things used to be. Now she has set out, driven by revenge, to find the man responsible. Louisa accidentally crosses paths with some good men who needs her help as much as she needs theirs. Louisa need to transform from an innocent girl to a hardened killer to avenge her family.

     I love this book and I plan to read it again. Rosburg has a very unique way of capturing you and giving enough detail so you are actually seeing the story play out in your head without smothering you with too many details. "They wanted to find love, but first they had to seek revenge."(Cover) "Blaze of lightning. It is an omen. He will be delivered to hell by you, Blaze of Lightning. And I will bring the thunder." (179) The closest comparison to this book I can think of is the newer movie, True Grit. Both stories involves a young girl hunting for a man who killed their family only to claim vengeance. Both girls go through many obstacles and difficulties only improving themselves and further preparing them for the day they find the man they seek. This is actually the second time I read this book, the first time I read it was in Iraq. This book removed me from the chaos of a war zone, when I read this book I was no longer in Iraq, but in the early southwest riding with Blaze and the gang. I highly recommend this book to anyone whether you like romance or action, this book is mostly filled with action and suspense. FIVE STARS!!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a good book that I'll have to read this summer. I am getting an ever longer list as I read all the reviews on the blog posts. Sounds like a powerful "read."
